Press Releases

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For immediate release

Gannett Sells Louis Harris and Associates, Inc.

ARLINGTON, Va. — Gannett Co., Inc. today announced the sale of Louis Harris and Associates, Inc. to Gordon S. Black Corporation of Rochester, N.Y.

The sale price was not disclosed.

Gannett acquired Harris and Associates in 1975. “We wish the Lou Harris group well and know that Harris and Associates will be a good fit with Gordon Black’s organization,” said Carleton F. Rosenburgh, senior vice president in the Newspaper Division.

Gannett is a nationwide news and information company that publishes 92 daily newspapers, including USA TODAY, and USA WEEKEND, a newspaper magazine. Gannett also has entertainment programming, operates 15 television stations, 13 radio stations, cable television systems in five states, alarm security services and the largest outdoor advertising company in North America.