Measure the Impact of Your Holiday Ad Campaign with TEGNA Attribution
The holiday season is almost upon us, which presents a huge opportunity for advertisers to capitalize on increased demand. But how can they measure how effectively these ad campaigns drive results? Find out how TEGNA Attribution measures effectiveness with key metrics and insights into campaign performance.

By Ryan Seickel, Manager of TEGNA Attribution
It seems that the holiday season comes quicker and quicker each year. Although that can seem a little daunting at times for consumers and advertisers alike, the holidays provide great opportunities for advertisers to connect with their consumers at a special time – when families are celebrating together.
The holiday season also presents a unique chance for advertisers to reach consumers with more impactful messaging that taps into the season’s magic while connecting in a way that drives strong responses. While brands consider how to craft their messaging to increase their impact, they should also consider how they will measure the impact of that messaging on generating results and outcomes for their business.
But how exactly can they measure the effectiveness of their ad campaign? What should they be looking for?
Simply put, TEGNA Attribution can help answer this sometimes complex and nuanced question by providing our partners with a meaningful way to measure the impact that their broadcast and Over-the-Top (OTT) campaign has on their business – which is more important than ever, especially around the holidays.
In more detail, TEGNA Attribution measures cross-platform ad exposures and their effect on driving overall website visitation and specific key performance indicators related to a specific brand website. It also provides cross-platform reach data to prove OTT’s incrementality to a linear broadcast campaign. This ensures a brand is reaching new audiences who otherwise would not have seen their ad campaign had they not included OTT/CTV in their media mix.
Armed with these insights, advertisers can see overall trends while diving deeper into more granular data that will provide insights on how to best optimize their campaigns in flight and for future buys.
For example, advertisers can see what creative resonates with their consumers the most through over-performance in sales/lead generation. Advertisers can also measure the effectiveness of many other dimensions in their campaigns. These include audience targeting, broadcast dayparts/programs, and markets. With these additional insights, advertisers can then determine whether they want to shift their current investments to higher-performing areas and/or double down on investing overall to reach even more audiences and drive better results.
In the real world, one of our clients in Atlanta, using TEGNA Attribution, can see that their OTT campaign has extended their broadcast TV reach with an unduplicated audience of cord-cutters and cord-nevers. The 87% percent of the households they reach via OTT would not have been exposed to their ad at all had they only run on linear broadcast in the market. Based on this, they decided it was time to increase their OTT investment.
They were also testing two different creatives with their broadcast TV schedule and found one outperformed the other. Therefore, they optimized their creative rotation while also shifting the budget to dayparts that drove more visits to their website’s key pages.
TEGNA Attribution provides superpowers to clients to make more informed decisions on their media spending by providing the necessary data to help them pull the levers needed to improve outcomes in their near and long-term investments. With this innovative solution, our advertisers can be confident with the data we’re providing them to make smart decisions and optimize their media plan, especially around the holiday season when end-of-the-year results are on the line.
Want to Learn More About TEGNA Attribution?
To learn more about how we can help your business thrive with linear broadcast, over-the-top streaming (OTT), and digital solutions, click here to connect with an Attribution expert at TEGNA